To register for Ameya, scroll to the end of this page
What is Ameya?
Gita Jayanti Singapore has several activities to bring the message of Bhagawan Sri Krishna in Bhagavad Gita to everyone - from children to seniors.
Ameya is Gita Jayanti Singapore’s initiative to help you learn to chant the Bhagavad Gita fluently within a year’s time by spending just 10 minutes a day.
It combines two powerful traditional learning techniques – reciting and writing to help you retain and recall what you learn.
Ameya uses WhatsApp as the medium for learning.
What do I with 10 minutes every day?
Every day you will receive via WhatsApp three (3) Gita Slokas in the impressive voice of Swami Omkaranandaji. The text of the slokas in Samskritam and English will also be shared along with the audio/video.
In the 10 minutes that you have set aside do these 2 things:
- To learn to chant: Listen to the sloka and repeat after Swamiji. The slokas have been split up into padas (quarters) to make it easier to learn.
- To help you retain what you have learnt: Select a suitable notebook and handwrite the slokas (verses) of the day in any language. Slokas can be written in any language of your choice and need not be in Devanagari script only.
Why Repeat, Why Write?
Repetition after listening is a powerful way of learning.
An established practice in our tradition to get familiar, memorise, and understand a text is to write it down by hand.
This year Mokshada Ekadashi - the day on which the Gita was revealed to the world - occurs on Wednesday, 11 December 2024. All devotees can participate in the Sampoorna Gita Parayan and chant the Bhagavad Gita. Full details will be announced in due course.
At the Sampoorna Gita Parayan, devotees do a “Likhita Gita Samarpann” by placing their own copies of the handwritten Bhagavad Gita books in the Altar before the Parayan commences. These books can be collected back at the end of Parayan. The books will not only be blessed by Sri Krishna but will also be energised by the vibrations created by such a large scale of chanting in one place.
Can I do this?
Yes, you can !
10 mins a day for a year and you would have learn to fluently recite one of humanity’s greatest texts.
This is the third year of Ameya. In the first and second year of Ameya we had 100-120 devotees each year learn to chant the Gita.
They did it and you can do it!
Yes, I want to register
Register for Ameya below and take a sankalpa (resolve) to learn to chant the Gita. Sharing your sankalpa helps to increase the probability of successful completion.
I have registered, what next?
How about encouraging 1 more person to participate? A family member, a friend… ??? Encourage them to join you in Ameya. Call them, tell them that you have taken this sankalpa, and ask them to join in
What about the meaning of the Gita, isn’t that important?
Yes, the meaning of the Gita is important. Living it in our daily life is even better.
In learning a new language, if we have the alphabets memorized, it is very easy to form words and sentences, and then communicate complex ideas.
It is similar with the Gita. Once we learn to chant, it comes easier to appreciate the meaning and to live our life as instructed in the Gita.
Ameya is specifically designed to make your fundamentals stronger by helping you learn to chant fluently. Should you wish to learn the meaning alongside, get in touch with us and we can recommend other resources.
Where can I find the text of the Gita?
1. These sites have Gita Slokas in multiple languages (Tamil, English, Devanagari, Telugu & Kannada) (Malayalam, Hindi, Gujarati, Kannada, Telugu)
2. Bhagavad Gita Slokas - a version published by Swami Shivananda’s Divine Life Society, Rishikesh
The first 20 pages give an excellent introduction to Bhagavad Gita. Then the verses and simple meaning (both in English) are given.
What if I am overseas and not in Singapore?
You can still participate in Ameya from anywhere, as long as you have a WhatsApp number.
For Likhita Gita Samarpan, on Mokshada Ekadashi day, you can place the handwritten Bhagavad Gita in the place of worship at your home and chant the entire Bhagavad Gita, thus getting the book blessed by Shri Krishna
Gita Jayanti Singapore looks forward to your kind support and enthusiastic participation in Ameya